We know scorpions are one of the last pests we want in or around our home and although our Protected Environment Scorpion service is critical in the prevention and control of these unwanted critters and their food source, we want to do everything we can to help you Scorpion free!

We have a new service designed specifically for Scorpions called our “Protected Environment Scorpion Foaming Treatment“.

There is a small space between the foundation of your home and the j-trim or also called the weep screed that allows Scorpions and other insects to easily enter your home from the exterior gaining access under the base plate and into the wall void.

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Once there, they can make their way into your home through the baseboards, cracks, crevices, and even light fixtures and outlets. We will target this weep screed with the foam, which is a highly concentrated insecticide that will expand inside these gaps and coat your foundation to not only deter but eliminate these pests.

The foam looks like a shaving cream and will dry clear. The best part is it can last up to 6 months! We highly recommend this treatment this time of year because as the temperatures increase, the scorpions will be trying to make their way inside your home.

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Let us know what questions you have and when you would like to get this scheduled and we will take care of you. Thank you!