While Arizona winters are typically mild, those cooler temperatures mean one thing in the world of pest control – a far higher rate of pest infestations. One of the most common infestations in the winter months are Norway Rats, dangerous pests that can cause immense damage to your home. But what are the Norway rats, and what’s the best rat removal option if they’ve already invaded your home?

Noticing Norway Rats

Norway Rats are also known as street rats, and chances are, you’ve encountered them before. They’re black or brown in color and can get up to ten inches long. They’re found all throughout the US including in the Phoenix area, and they’ll make a home almost anywhere, but they prefer piles of things like wood, debris, or the clutter in basements, attics, and garages.

Norway Rats have long bodies and short tails, often with white or gray underbellies. If you notice bite marks on your furniture, greasy rub-marks on your walls, or small, blunt-ended droppings, there’s a good chance that you need to look into some rat pest control.

Preventing Norway Rats

Norway Rats are surprisingly easy to protect against. Keep all firewood stored away from any structures, including sheds and outbuildings. Seal up your home, including windows, doors, and any cracks in your siding or foundation. Make sure all food in the house is kept sealed or in a closed container that’s difficult for pests to get into. If there are any leaky pipes in your basement or bathrooms, ensure that those get sorted out before the cooler months.

Rodent Control


There’s an easy way to get rid of rats in your house, though:  the experts at CAPE Pest Control. With our calm, courteous service and excellent know-how, even rat pest control is a breeze. Instead of potentially exposing you, your family, or your loved ones to dangers like Norway Rats, you can simply call CAPE Pest Control for quick and easy removal.



Don’t look for do-it-yourself pest control solutions – just look for the best at CAPE Pest Control and get rid of the rats!

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